What are booking limits?

Booking limits allow you to define how far in advance customers will be able to book appointments online. You can limit both the short-term and the long-term availability of appointments.

You can find the booking limits under Settings > Booking Settings

Short-term booking

With the option As few as ... in advance, you can define the latest possible moment to book an appointment. If this period is too long, customers cannot book a short-term appointment.

In the example below, customers can book online up to 24 hours before the desired date.


Long-term booking

With the option At most ... in advance, you can define the earliest possible moment to book an appointment. If this period is too short, customers cannot book appointments that are too far in the future.

In the example below, bookings can be made no earlier than 3 months before the desired date.


Tip: If you don’t want to restrict how much time in advance bookings can be made, insert "0" in both fields.