Instatus - the product status page

We use the Instatus page to provide real-time updates on any issues or downtime that occur. The platform allows us to notify you of new incidents, downtime or planned maintenance.

Instatus provides a history of all past incidents as well as an overview of system updates in general for the last 90 days.

You will find information on the following Shore products: Online Calendar, Booking Widget, Shore Business App, Shore POS App and the POS Manager. 

You can view past incidents by clicking on Show Incident History at the bottom of the page. Information is shared in both English and German.

Incidents and downtimes

There are four different statuses that describe the course of a problem:

1. Investigating the issue: We have noticed XY and are currently investigating how to fix the problem. 

2. Issue Identified & working on a fix: We are already working on a solution.

3. Monitoring the situation: We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result.

4. Issue resolved: The service is working as expected again.  


We also use the Instatus page to notify you about upcoming maintenance.

We use the following statuses:

  1. Maintenance didn't start yet
  2. Maintenance is currently in progress
  3. Maintenance is complete

Get live updates

To receive live updates of the status page, you can simply sign up here. You have the option to receive updates via email, slack, webhook or feed.