How can customers subscribe to my newsletter?

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), customers must opt-in to your marketing news in order to receive newsletters and automated feedback requests from you.

There are two options for this: Subscription during online booking (Shore POS+ only) and verbal consent (Shore POS and POS+).

1. Subscription during online booking

If you use Shore POS+, a newsletter subscription option is displayed on your booking page. When a customer ticks the box, they will automatically receive an email with a link to confirm their subscription. Once they confirm their subscription, the subscription status in the customer profile changes to Subscribed.

The customer will now automatically receive feedback requests (if you have activated them) and can be selected as a recipient of your newsletters.

2. Verbal consent

Ask your customers whether you may send them feedback requests and/or newsletters.

When you're adding a new customer to your database, you can activate the option Customer has accepted to receive communications.

If the customer already has a profile in your customer database, you can record their consent by clicking on Request Subscription in the "Newsletter subscription" section.

In both cases, the customer will then receive an email with a link to confirm their subscription ("double opt-in"). Once they confirm their subscription, the subscription status in the customer profile changes to Subscribed.

The customer will now automatically receive feedback requests (if you have activated them) and can be selected as a recipient of your newsletters.