How do I get customer reviews and how can I activate customer feedback+?

Shore offers several ways to get customer feedback:

1. Send a fully customizable mail after each appointment
2. Send out mail campaigns and ask customers for reviews
3. Let the software do everything and ask for a review after 24 hours
4. Ask for a review directly in your store via the customer display

New: You received a good review? Make more of it with Feedback+

The new Shore feature Customer Feedback+ allows customers to automatically share positive reviews on platforms such as Google, while negative reviews initially remain internal and the business owner decides which ones appear on the booking page.

Customer Feedback+ requires the Shore Booking + Marketing package for full use of the features.

1. Send a fully customizable email after each appointment

How do I create an automated email?

Der Shore Kundenbindung Kurs steht hier zur Anmeldung parat

2. Send out mail campaigns and ask customers for reviews

How do I create a newsletter?

3. Let the software do everything and ask for a review after 24 hours

How can customers sign up for my newsletter?

4. Ask for a review directly in your store via the customer display

How can I customize my customer display?

New: Get a good rating? Make more of it with Feedback+

The new Shore feature Customer Feedback+ connects directly to customer feedback. If you receive a positive review about the Shore software, your customers will be asked to publish this review on Google and Co. as well!

Your customers can simply copy their positive review and enter it directly into the online portal, such as Google, on their PC or smartphone. Three clicks for a top rating!

The effort for you is minimal. With positive reviews, everything happens automatically without you having to intervene.

Get a negative review? Everything remains internal for now. You decide which reviews appear on your booking page. And anyone who leaves a negative review is not asked to share this review on the internet.  So you have enough time to try to clarify the situation with the customer.

How do I activate customer feedback+ ?

Start right now.

Customer Feedback+ is already available in your Shore calendar.
Activate Customer Feedback+ now in your Shore calendar under Settings > Customer notifications.

Note: If you want to use all features, you need the Shore Booking + Marketing or Shore All-in-One package!